This fifth installment of the Beyond the Bell series highlights how the “Healthy Eating Around the World”, an Operation Inspire afterschool program at Eulalie R. Rivera K-8 School, cultivates beyond the plate.
Healthy eating isn’t just about food—it’s about understanding how our choices impact ourselves and the world. In this program, food is used to teach children about nutrition, cultural heritage, and sustainability. This program also fosters creativity and builds life skills in a fun and engaging manner.
Why focus on healthy eating?
Incorporating nutrition education at an early age offers numerous benefits that can positively impact children’s health, academic performance, and overall development. In addition to sparking a lifelong interest in health and wellness, afterschool programs like these also promote academic achievement.
By introducing children to the joy of healthy eating and the history behind some traditional meals, this program offers practical and cultural benefits, links history and geography, fosters respect for diversity and broadens perspectives.
What does the program cover?
This nutrition program integrates STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), making it highly engaging and educational. Students are using science to learn how different ingredients interact, math to scale recipes up or down, and analyzing data such as favorite recipes, and time taken to prepare various meals.
Through hands-on cooking workshops, children explore the nutritional benefits of traditional dishes from around the world, while adding their own cultural twist. They also learn how to prepare simple dishes like smoothies.
“Healthy Eating Around the World” also includes a gardening component, which teaches children to connect the dots between what they eat and the broader ecosystem.
Stay tuned for the next post in the Beyond the Bell series, where we’ll spotlight another inspiring Cane Bay CaresOperation Inspire afterschool program!