This eighth installment in our blog series on Cane Bay Cares’ Operation Inspire afterschool programs highlights “The Art of Persuasion,” a program developed specifically for 6th-8th graders. This program is offered at Eulalie R. Rivera PreK-8 School and is designed to enhance communication skills, foster critical thinking and build confidence.
By teaching students this art, we equip them with a vital tool for success in a world that demands critical thinking, effective communication, and respectful interaction. Additionally, by providing an engaging afterschool setting, students can practice in a supportive environment, making the learning process both enjoyable and impactful.
Why focus on persuasion?
Persuasion isn’t just about winning arguments, it’s also about building connections, understanding perspectives, and presenting ideas in ways that inspire action. During this afterschool program, students experience what it means to be a changemaker as they work in teams to create persuasive oral points and visual designs that inspire others to change a belief or take action on issues that matter to them.
What does the program cover?
Persuasion is a process that requires analyzing different perspectives and constructing logical arguments. Working through the process encourages students to think critically, evaluate evidence, and solve problems creatively- all of which are critical tools needed to communicate with clarity and purpose.
Furthermore, learning the art of persuasion sharpens their ability to articulate thoughts and ideas effectively by drafting essays, debating, or simply expressing their opinions. Students also learn the importance of understanding an audience’s perspective and as a result develop empathy, improve their interpersonal skills and foster better relationships.
As we near the conclusion of our blog series, we invite you to learn more about the afterschool programs being offered by Operation Inspire. Stay tuned for the last chapter, where we’ll spotlight the final program and look ahead to what’s next for this transformative initiative.