We knew we wanted to do something special for residents in need this holiday season. Unfortunately, there are many still in need since the storms and even beyond the storms. One such group is the elderly. We contacted the Department of Human Services as well as Flambouyant Gardens, run by Lutheran Social Services, and we asked them what their residents are in need of. We wanted to know how we could help them this holiday, in the spirit of giving. They both independently said the same thing – companionship. They also needed funding for holiday events for their residents since many will be alone for the holidays and have been coping with isolation since the storms.

Cane Bay Cares stepped up to help fund their holiday events. The first event was for the 45 residents of Flambouyant Gardens. The second event was for the 150 residents of the Richmond Senior Center. Cane Bay Cares also will be sponsoring the senior’s Carnival Troupe in St. Croix parade.

This is the season of giving, and this holiday, we wanted to give our elderly residents a smile and companionship.

The effort was focused on giving the gift of time. Ten volunteer employees from sponsor company Cane Bay Partners VI, LLLP spent part of their afternoon with the residents of Flambouyant Gardens. Then, five additional volunteers helped at the Richmond Senior Center event.

The volunteers helped with the event, but primarily, they got to spend quality time with the elderly residents and share some cheer for the holidays. It was a beautiful experience indeed.